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Title: Ernie
Author: Anonymous
Date Submitted: 9/2/2008

Poem: No one says anything...Except Internal Audit...Wants to speak with you...And it’s recommended
“Bring Union representation”...

After 19 years
Fears and tears.

Meeting to be held...In 4 days on Tuesday...Postponed by the job...2 more days to Thursday...Union Oficial can’t make Thursday...Starts asking me about dates
the week of September 8th...

Damn I’m hanging here...Speculating what it is about
For at least the next 17 days

After 19 years
Fears and tears

Begin..My kids...My medicine

Thoughts I can’t let go...Heart full of holes...Dragged down by the undertow...What’s to come of me?

Constant drum beat...Inside my head...No one hears...A secret held to myself...The heart turned to dust...

After 19 years
Fears and tears