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Title: On Being Bipolar
Author: stormy
Date Submitted: 6/13/2008

Poem: alone in the dark,
i seek to find
some light that shines
into my mind.
the voices i hear
are not my own,
my racing thoughts
won't leave me alone.
i shuttle back and forth
between depression and mania,
not knowing where i'll be
from one day to the next.
today i feel sad, alone, and depressed,
but what will tomorrow bring...
something better, unsuppressed,
just some damn good thing.
i feel so numb that i can't really think,
i'm here all alone running on autopilot.
all i really need is a good strong drink.
or, even better, a whole lot of pot.
in a world with nothing, i space out,
i zone, my mind wanders constantly,
not hearing the moans of others around me shouting.
don't let them get me, i pray let me out.
i can't do this anymore, take it away.
make the hurt stop
make it go elsewhere and stay,
just don't let me drop!
if you only knew what's inside of me now,
you wouldn't want to know me somehow....