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Title: Those with Bipolar
Author: mary
Date Submitted: 1/14/2008
Email: vmvavrvy@yahoo.com

Poem: I don’t know what has become of me
Tears are just falling from my eyes
They come from a well deep in my soul
A profound sadness of infinite darkness

A knife pierces my heart, my spirit
Slicing with abandon, without thinking
It is with great heaving of my essence
That I am even able to cope at all

I think that bipolar people are born
With a subservience of intense valor
That holds their being in a cup of Grace
Keeping their souls outside of death

Gasping out in cries of sheer emotion
As they flee from one world to the next
Wretched yet in an unbroken state
They conquer their own undying strength

They sink down almost to oblivion
Then rise again in daunting spirit
Their scarred souls building a wall
That warrants speaking to the world...