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Title: I got the Spades
Author: Victoria Wentworth-Ware
Date Submitted: 6/4/2007

Poem: When cards were dealt I got the spades
Clothed in black my mind my heart
The ache is so intense you see
I cannot see the light

They tell me it will pass and fill me full of drugs
But why I ask why me why me
Release me into space so I can fly free
Free of pain and suffering

I hide between the sheets to shut out all the pain
My cheeks are wet with tears, my heart is broken yet again
It will take time they tell me
But they do not feel my pain

Open my chest and look inside
And you will see the big black hole
It hangs around in waiting
To pull me into hell again

The black hole has no bottom
No ladder to escape
I try to grip the murky sides
But slide back down to hell

There is a God I know
I pray he will take mercy, reshuffle the cards
And deal me hearts
So I can live in heaven ...