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Title: Sonnet: “When I look on my life that's now half-spent”
Author: Ngoc Nguyen
Date Submitted: 10/9/2018

Poem: When I look on my life that's now half-spent,
I sigh the loss of youth that's forever past,
wishing myself better Fortune's consent,
love, friends and wealth with naught to lose or waste
but for the mean expense of young love lost;
despising this, I oft' bemoan the loss
of vestal company's first time the most,
for matrons offend like mouldering moss;
which, like Time's sure, inexorable march;
destroys the juvenescence of life's spring
year by year till extinguishing Youth's torch,
a dead flame for which I am most desiring.
If I could live and love anew once more,
I'd not err this time and lay a rude whore. ...