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Title: Sonnet for the Suffering
Author: Carol Dietrich
Date Submitted: 3/24/2006

Poem: In the aloneless of affliction, I see you sadly:
You cringe, then sigh to bid goodbye to living’s meager joy.
I want to give you good news richly, completely, gladly
so that your thoughts of loss and fleeing no longer will annoy.
What of the certain knocking on your door; are those mere sounds?
Or prayers that echo back to fall upon a deafer ear?
Hope for healing is the dilemma that confounds
the charge, command, to one another’s burdens bear.
Is this, the load of faith, more heavy than the weight of unbelief?
If sweet reasonableness be the cosmic ordering,
then perhaps there remains for both some measure of relief—
A melody even you with fading voice can sing
of immanence-and-transcendence, the name of One
beyond mortal striving, fallibilism notwithstanding, Love’s perfect tone.