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Title: bipolar
Author: louise simpson
Date Submitted: 5/15/2012
Email: louisesimpson@hotmail.co.uk

Poem: Bipolar is your name, mood swings are your signs
Highs and lows, mixed and psychotic
You will take my life
You came so early: I was 12 when I first had problems
Perhaps it was you, perhaps not
But you did arrive when I was 20
You were cyclothymia then
I am now 22 and you are bipolar
I am so young, this is not fair
If you were going to come no matter what
Why didn’t you come later?
You have wrecked my 20s
And most probably my 30’s, 40’s, 50’s
And so on until I die
Why come when I am so young?
I do not want to fight you for the rest of my life
I do not want you
You are like a tumour, an unwanted tumour
Please go away, go far far away, cos I do not want you
You made me take an overdose
You made me cut my arms, legs and belly
You put me into debt
You made me lose people who were close to me
You have made me lose my way; I am so lost
Who am I? I no longer know...