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Poem Details  

Title: Feeling Despair
Author: Jake
Date Submitted: 10/22/2009
Email: jimellner@hotmail.com

Poem: The aching from a pinched nerve in the neck
Nowhere to flush my despair
My mind is the play-yard of no repair
Leave it run wild
Dope it with clonazeapm on the bipolar express
Muscles tied in knots like rope
Not a piece long enough to hang yourslef
You just pretend of self destruction
Fear tightens your testicles
This is your life from three years old to sixty five
Amazing what you squeezed in and out
Never enough for a lifetime
Don''t tell me about faith!
My consciousness is anomalous Zen
Just a shiny construction set
Rusting on the way to essential waste
From nothing to nothing
Metaphysics only works when you take your meds...