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Title: Screwed Up
Author: Jake
Date Submitted: 9/3/2009
Email: jimellner@hotmail.com

Poem: Stymied with the upheavals of mental chemistry
Sicken unto the fiery gates of hell
Working like a creature
With paws on the computer keyboard
The Devil''s hoof standing on each side of my cerebrum
I can smell the stink of fear
Taste the excrement of damnation''s birthright
Did mommy give me the dose?
Passed along genetically for generations and circumstance
Like living in the hell of the USA broken medical care
You''d be better off if you died
Already living in hell staying here
Racism is the color of my typing paper
And ink shouts the truth
I''m just a dead man walking
Already in line for the hole in the ground
Pills not working
Just fear and aggravation
Another day in Hades...