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Title: Thoughts and Denials
Author: Jenni
Date Submitted: 4/30/2009

Poem: Thoughts and denials
Flow through these veins
Sheltering me from the pains
Blocking feelings that are vile

Cutting their way along my skin
Ripping the flesh bare
Yet they cause more of an affair
Leaving me a feeling of no win

The skin cuts with the pain
Cuts so deep and bleeds so long
But strangely I feel release, even strong
Then it is back, that feeling of pain

Why follow the light of the norm
Into that abyss that is life
That life is so filled with strife
Instead, I breakaway from that storm

Stop the cuts that break the soul
Find that faith I cannot see
The thing that you mean to me
A feeling of feeling whole

The Space between what is wrong and right
It is there that I find myself looking for you
It is at the dawn that I will see a way through
All fortresses go down after the night...